Start a Potluck

Step 1 of 5

Start a Potluck

Examples: Smith Family Reunion, Sunday Morning Brunch.
Step 2 of 5

Where is the event happening?

Enter an address and a map link will automatically be added to the event.

Leave the address field blank for more privacy
Step 3 of 5

Make a List

You can rename the suggested categories below. Only rows with a Category and a Quantity will be saved.

# Requested
Max Rows Reached
Step 4 of 5

Add a Note

Add a greeting, special instructions, notes, or anything else you think the event participants may need to know.

Leave this field blank if there are none. Example: allergic to shellfish, vegan, gluten-free, etc.
Step 5 of 5

Donation Fund

Collect financial donations to help with:

  • Event Expenses
  • A Group Gift
  • Condolence Fund
  • Delivery

Set a Donation Fund goal

Easily raise money for the event. Goal doesn't need to be met.

$ .00

Recipient must have a US based bank account. A platform fee and a processing fee are applied to each donation. By continuing, you agree to the fees, terms, and the Stripe Connected Account Agreement.