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Meal Train® for LaTia Edwards
Meal Train® for LaTia Edwards
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
Tree Nuts
Food For
3 Adults, 1 Kid
Drop-Off Time
Lunch 11am to 12pm or Dinner 5pm
Special Instructions
If you are providing lunch options please deliver between 11am and 12pm or earlier in the day. If you are providing dinner please deliver by 5pm or earlier in the day.
Meal Drop-Off Location
Charlotte, NC
Recipient Info
Allergy or Dietary Restriction
Tree Nuts
Meal Drop-Off Location
1224 Kirt Ct
Charlotte NC 28213
View Map
Preferred Drop-Off Time
Lunch 11am to 12pm or Dinner 5pm
People to Cook For
3 Adults, 1 Kid
Favorite Meals or Restaurants
Please prioritize a Mediterranean style of food but LaTia also loves a variety of healthy foods with a balance of all the food groups when possible.
Least Favorite Meals
Consider the picky palate of a 7 year old boy.
Special Instructions
If you are providing lunch options please deliver between 11am and 12pm or earlier in the day. If you are providing dinner please deliver by 5pm or earlier in the day.
Donations for LaTia Edwards
Joe & Courtney
- $100
- 2 years ago
Regina Jenkins
- $100
- 2 years ago
Tiyan Littlejohn
- $15
- 2 years ago
Catherine Jones
- $10
- 2 years ago
- $100
- 2 years ago
Join this list. Donate now.
DonateLaura Craven Hall
- $30
- 2 years ago
Martil Cosper
- $25
- 2 years ago
- $50
- 2 years ago
Patrick Stallings
- $40
- 2 years ago
Danielle Scurry
- $50
- 2 years ago
Danielle Scurry
- $30
- 2 years ago
- $100
- 2 years ago
Bob & Toni LaGatta
- $25
- 2 years ago
Gift Cards
Provide support with a gift card to DoorDash, Panera, Chili's, Visa, and more.
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Gift Cards for LaTia Edwards
Meal Calendar
Volunteer to provide a meal.
All dates are booked, but there are still other ways to help.
Make a donation to LaTia Edwards, or contact the organizer for more dates.
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Donations are active and coming in. Be one of the first to donate and keep the Meal Train rolling!
$675 raised by 13 people.