Meal Train® for Fr. Cy Nemecek
Meal Train® for Fr. Cy Nemecek
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
Fr. Cy has neither allergies nor sensitivities. HOWEVER, he is on a SODIUM (SALT) RESTRICTED diet. Fr said that instead of salt, you could maybe trying using pepper, rosemary, thyme, and/or basil to add taste--but not imperative, of course.
Food For
1 Adult
Drop-Off Time
Between 3-5pm or so
Special Instructions
I realize that I initially asked for everyone to make enough food for leftovers. But Fr. Cy said his appetite is not what it use to be; he would like just enough food for ONE portion. Please do not send too much food. His freezer space is very limited. The “Etiquette” page that shows up when you signed up to Meal Train was created by the Meal Train creators—not by Fr. Cy or me. We’ve kept the following ‘Fr. Cy specific’ items below. - It is best to expect that Fr. Cy may not be ready to entertain, so if he is, please keep your visit short. However, due to a bad flu season expected, and COVID continues, it may be a good idea for now, to just drop off the meal to Fr. Cy at the door. PLEASE sanitize your hands during meal prep and prior to bringing the food to Father. Masking is probably still a good idea. - If possible, deliver your meal in a recyclable or reusable container. - Please Include clear preparation instructions, if applicable. - Fr. Cy prefers a phone call (no text or email) one day ahead of your date, to set up a time for delivery of your meal between the hours of 3-5pm or so. If Father does not answer, please leave a message and he will call you back. If there is inclement weather and/or you are unable to leave your home, please call me and we will make arrangements to pick up your meal and deliver it to Fr. Cy for you. Again, please call, text or email me (Patti Jo Meyer) at 708-334-6263 if you have ANY other questions whatsoever.
Meal Drop-Off Location
North Riverside, IL
Meal Calendar
Volunteer to provide a meal.