Meal Train® for HSM Dinner

Meal Train® for HSM Dinner
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
If possible, consider a gluten-free or dairy-free option or alternative.
Food For
120 Adults
Drop-Off Time
Special Instructions
For reimbursement, please put your receipts in an envelope with your name on it and hand it to Brady Lowery or place the envelope in his mailbox, located in the CCC copy room. Target cost for the meal is $350-$400. ARRIVAL: Please arrive in time to prep and serve your meal at 5:45pm. LOCATION: Plan on setting your meal out for self-serve on the two tables in front of the garage door. Plates/Napkins/Utensils are all provided at the church, as well as water and cups for drinks. CLEANUP: Please stay until after the meal, around 6:15pm. Food may be left for the CCC staff or may be given to the students to take home. Leaders are quite helpful in facilitating the best way to execute this or offer suggestions.
Meal Drop-Off Location
Pinehurst, NC
Volunteer to provide help.