Meal Train® for Meals for the Homeless - Mission City Bible Church

Meal Train® for Meals for the Homeless - Mission City Bible Church
Recipient Info
Food For
40 Adults
Drop-Off Time
Must be delivered by an authorized shelter volunteer. We will send you delivery location details.
Special Instructions
**Please read the special instructions carefully. We are requesting "bagged style" dinners for the residents to ensure ease of distribution by Shelter staff. Please include the following items if possible: meat & cheese or pb&J sandwich apple of fruit cup soft cookies or soft granola bar juice box Please add as much protein as possible. Good hardy meals are appreciated as they keep the individuals fuller longer. Food is brought and served at the shelter at 8pm, so meals need to be dropped off to the volunteer no later than 7:30pm.
Meal Drop-Off Location
Brantford, Ontario
Meal Calendar
Volunteer to provide a meal.