Meal Train® for Bon Secours Community Hospital


Bon Secours Community Hospital


Irene Tsetsekos

62 Participants

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Recipient Info

Food For

25 Adults

Drop-Off Time

Snacks 11:30 a.m. or 7 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m.

Special Instructions

Here is how it works: • Review the schedule of available dates, contact the food service establishment you wish to order from to confirm they can accommodate your order. • Sign up for a designated day and time slot, and indicate the restaurant/ deli you've chosen. • Meal donations in increments of 25 are preferred. You may select as many slots as you'd like. We appreciate some vegetarian and gluten-free options. • Snack donations should be sealed cases of individually wrapped items, such as granola bars, packages of nuts, chips or cookies, or other items. • Sweets are welcome! Our staff loves fresh baked cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, and other novelties that can sweeten their day. • For infection control, food must come from a Department of Health approved kitchen, and must be packaged individually (e.g. paper bags or boxed in individual containers). • Meals can be delivered by the donor or restaurant at 7 p.m. for dinner. Snacks can be delivered at 11 a.m. or 7 p.m. Delivery information: Please deliver to the Food Service Loading dock on the side of the Hospital on Skinner Street. Bon Secours Community Hospital 160 East Main St., Port Jervis, Warwick, NY 12771 Contact Allison Wharton 845 858-7035. For information about how you can help support Bon Secours Community Hospital, or to contribute to part of a Meal Train delivery - please visit: Thank you!

Meal Drop-Off Location

Port Jervis, NY

Gift Cards

Provide support with a gift card to DoorDash, Panera, Chili's, Visa, and more.

Be the first to give a gift card.


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