Meal Train® for The Kump family

Meal Train® for The Kump family
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
No shellfish
Food For
2 Adults, 1 Kid
Drop-Off Time
11:30 am
Special Instructions
Please text Katie a few days before the day that you are providing a meal to confirm who the second person will be. If it's not Stephen she will be able to tell you what her companion will want for lunch. On the day of if you choose to personally deliver your meal please text Katie your ETA, and then again when you have arrived in the hospital parking lot. She can come down to meet you in the hospital lobby to get the food. She can meet you outside of the security registration area to avoid the hassle of having to register. If you choose to have your meal delivered by a delivery service please communicate with Katie in advance concerning how she would like to handle the delivery.
Meal Drop-Off Location
Atlanta, GA
Meal Calendar
Volunteer to provide a meal.