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Here's what you've signed up for. Please view instructions for information about delivery time, drop-off location, preferences, special instructions, and more.
Meal Train® for Ayesha Kreutz
Meal Train® for Ayesha Kreutz
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
Absolutely No beans- no mushrooms! Please stick to gluten free/ whole grain/ low carb, fruits, and vegetables - not an allergy just preference.
Food For
2 Adults
Drop-Off Time
After 2pm
Meal Drop-Off Location
Medina, NY
Recipient Info
Allergy or Dietary Restriction
Absolutely No beans- no mushrooms! Please stick to gluten free/ whole grain/ low carb, fruits, and vegetables - not an allergy just preference.
Meal Drop-Off Location
10437 Ridge Rd
Medina NY
View Map
Preferred Drop-Off Time
After 2pm
People to Cook For
2 Adults
Favorite Meals or Restaurants
Aladdins Natural Eatery: Chicken greek salad Seasoning Thai Bistro: Basil thai chicken or lemongrass chicken Seasoning/ Herbs that help with Anti- inflammatory Liver detox Kidney detox
Least Favorite Meals
No sweets
Donations for Ayesha Kreutz
Don and Julie Swartz
- $200
- 2 years ago
Mary AnnL
- $50
- 2 years ago
- $50
- 2 years ago
Rosalind Walker
- $25
- 2 years ago
- $50
- 2 years ago
Join this list. Donate now.
DonateKing family
- $20
- 2 years ago
- $50
- 2 years ago
Providence Crowder
- $25
- 2 years ago
Cynthia Werner
- $75
- 2 years ago
Pamela Taylor
- $53
- 2 years ago
Gift Cards
Provide support with a gift card to DoorDash, Panera, Chili's, Visa, and more.
Be the first to give a gift card.
Give a Gift Card
Provide a meal gift card for Ayesha Kreutz.
Gift Cards for Ayesha Kreutz
Meal Calendar
Volunteer to provide a meal.
All dates are booked, but there are still other ways to help.
Make a donation to Ayesha Kreutz, or contact the organizer for more dates.
Past Dates
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Be an early contributor!
Donations are active and coming in. Be one of the first to donate and keep the Meal Train rolling!
$598 raised by 10 people.