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Meal Train® for Camp I Am Special Meal Donations

Meal Train® for Camp I Am Special Meal Donations
351 Participants
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Allergies or Restrictions
Drop-Off Time
Please provide a phone number in notes area! Please check meal instructions for delivery time.
Special Instructions
PLEASE PROVIDE A PHONE NUMBER IN NOTES WITH YOUR SIGN UP. THANK YOU, THANK YOU for continuing the local tradition of feeding our Campers and Buddies in this 45th year of Camp I Am Special. Please note that all sessions are PEANUT AND TREE NUT FREE! Volunteers are needed to serve the meal you bring to Camp. Typically 5 to 7 servers work best and we ask that all volunteers are 12 years or older. If you are not able to provide servers, no problem, just let us know. You must sign in at the Camp Office and wear a volunteer badge at all times. Please bring a hat to wear (or we will provide a hairnet), wear closed toe shoes and sleeved shirts. Paper goods, and drinks are provided by Camp. Each week has a volunteer Kitchen Director on site. If you have questions call or email at 230-7447 or
Meal Drop-Off Location
St. Johns, FL
Recipient Info
Allergy or Dietary Restriction
Meal Drop-Off Location
455 Marywood Dr.
St. Johns FL
View Map
Preferred Drop-Off Time
Please provide a phone number in notes area! Please check meal instructions for delivery time.
Favorite Meals or Restaurants
PLEASE PROVIDE A CONTACT PHONE NUMBER WITH YOUR SIGN UP MENU SUGGESTIONS and PREFERENCES: BREAKFAST suggestions: Cold Breakfast : cereal, bagels, pastries, fruit, juice, and milk. Hot Breakfast: bakes and casseroles work best, breakfast sandwiches LUNCH suggestions: (days are listed for summer sessions only) Monday: Sandwiches or Subs (Turkey, ham, cheese) Tuesday: chicken nuggets, chicken tenders Wednesday: Pulled pork sandwich or hot sandwich Thursday: Wraps, baked potato bar Friday: Tacos or deli sandwiches Saturday: Burgers, hot dogs, mac and cheese PLEASE PROVIDE A HEALTHY SIDE and DESSERT WITH MEALS! CAMP PROVIDES A SALAD! SNACK individually wrapped/bagged snacks like cookies, chips, pretzels, cheez-its, rice krispie treats, granola bars, Nutri-grain bars, etc. Fresh whole fruit like bananas, apples, oranges. SUPPER suggestions: (days listed for summer sessions only) Please follow these main course themes in making your food selections to avoid duplicate meals. We offer a salad bar with each dinner. We will have the ovens preheated or grill ready upon request. - Monday: Chicken night - grilled or fried with 2 sides - 1 veggie and 1 other dish - Tuesday: Tacos, Mexican casseroles, Spanish rice - Wednesday: Italian night - meat and pastas - Thursday: Grilled cookout - burgers/dogs - Friday: Simple items such as pizza or delivered restaurant food. Typically 7 to 10 large pizzas will feed 35-40 people. THE BUDDY SNACK "Costco" style of fresh or frozen appetizers, quesadilla night, ice cream treats, sundae supplies, etc. ** NEW ** HYDRATION HELPERS (Drink Donor) Staying hydrated is important while at camp. We are looking for "hydration helpers" aka Drink Donors to provide cases of water, Gatorade, Powerade, etc. Please call in advance and deliver to the camp office/dinning hall.
Least Favorite Meals
Spicy or fancy foods.
Special Instructions
PLEASE PROVIDE A PHONE NUMBER IN NOTES WITH YOUR SIGN UP. THANK YOU, THANK YOU for continuing the local tradition of feeding our Campers and Buddies in this 45th year of Camp I Am Special. Please note that all sessions are PEANUT AND TREE NUT FREE! Volunteers are needed to serve the meal you bring to Camp. Typically 5 to 7 servers work best and we ask that all volunteers are 12 years or older. If you are not able to provide servers, no problem, just let us know. You must sign in at the Camp Office and wear a volunteer badge at all times. Please bring a hat to wear (or we will provide a hairnet), wear closed toe shoes and sleeved shirts. Paper goods, and drinks are provided by Camp. Each week has a volunteer Kitchen Director on site. If you have questions call or email at 230-7447 or
Meal Instructions
PLEASE PROVIDE A CONTACT PHONE NUMBER WITH YOUR SIGN UP All "hot/cooked" foods may be either 1) prepared at Camp 2) come to Camp precooked and frozen for reheating at Camp. If not prepared at Camp, dishes may be assembled at home but must arrive to Camp frozen as required by Health Department standards. Food provided from a restaurant should be transported no more than 6 miles to Camp. Restaurants in the Fruit Cove/San Jose/Wal-Mart area are acceptable. QUANTITIES, DELIVERY and SERVING TIMES: BREAKFAST Day Camp - all sessions Breakfast will be served at 8:00 am. Let us know at least 2 days in advance what time you will need to arrive to prepare your meal. 230-7447 Residential Camp - all sessions Breakfast will be served at 8:00 am LUNCHES Arrive after 10am and be ready to serve lunch at 12pm. Please have as much prepared in advance as possible. MID-DAY SNACK Can be dropped off day prior after 4 pm or on day scheduled by 11 am. SUPPER Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday arrive 4:00 pm to be ready at 6:00 pm. We will have the ovens preheated or grill ready upon request. THE BUDDY SNACK We are not able to have visitors after 6:00 pm so Buddy snack is just a "drop off" and no serving is required. Our Kitchen Staff will heat, reheat or prepare your donation. "Costco" styles of fresh or frozen appetizers, quesadilla night, ice cream treats, sundae supplies, etc. Again, the snacks should be dropped off before 6:00 pm to be served by Kitchen Director and Camp Leaders. See "Favorite Meals" for meal suggestions and preferred items.
Communication Instructions
Please provide a contact phone number with your sign up so that the kitchen director may call you. You may contact us by calling (904) 230-7447 or emailing us at
Gift Cards
Provide support with a gift card to DoorDash, Panera, Chili's, Visa, and more.
12 gift cards given. See Who
Give a Gift Card
Provide a meal gift card for Camp I Am Special Meal Donations.
Gift Cards for Camp I Am Special Meal Donations
The Muises
- $100 A Meal For You – Zift gift card
- 26 days ago
Tammy Cassidy
- $20 A Meal For You – Zift gift card
- 27 days ago
Smith Family
- $200 Panera Bread gift card
- 3 months ago
Maricel Tejeda
- $100 Papa John's gift card
- 6 months ago
Hannah Flakus
- $30 Panera Bread gift card
- 9 months ago
Join this list. Give a gift card now.
Ayala Twins Family
- $200 Panera Bread gift card
- 9 months ago
Misty Haywood
- $100 Olive Garden gift card
- 9 months ago
Misty Haywood
- $100 Domino’s gift card
- 9 months ago
The Higgs
- $200 DoorDash gift card
- 9 months ago
Jane Kalinski
- $50 Panera Bread gift card
- 10 months ago
Campion Family
- $100 Panera Bread gift card
- 10 months ago
Birr Family
- $200 Panera Bread gift card
- 10 months ago
Volunteer to provide help.
All dates are booked, but there are still other ways to help.
Provide a meal by giving a gift card, or contact the organizer for more dates.