Meal Train® for SJM Summer Breakfasts at Wellspring

SJM Summer Breakfasts at Wellspring

Meal Train® for SJM Summer Breakfasts at Wellspring


SJM Summer Breakfasts at Wellspring


Brooke Graham of St. John's Ministries

12 Participants

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Recipient Info

Food For

25 Adults

Drop-Off Time


Special Instructions

You are signing up to provide and serve a breakfast at Wellspring, located at 700 E Walnut St, as part of our Tuesday "drop-in" days. At our "drop-in" days, guests can receive breakfast and lunch, laundry services, access to clothing and hygiene items, case management, community partners, and more. **Breakfast teams will provide AND serve the meal. If your team is unable to serve, no problem- please indication that in the "other" line when you sign up and email Brooke so we can arrange alternate servers. Meal Preparation: Meals should be cooked outside of the shelter and brought in ready to serve. Food should be brought in containers that you can take back home with you or are disposable. The number of portions needed may fluctuate, but you will find the current amount needed in this section. Bringing the Meal in: Use the rear entrance on the south side of the building. There is no doorbell, so please call inside so a staff member or volunteer can open the door for you. The phone number is 920-857-9587. If your hands will be full, please call from your car first and wait for the door to be opened. An alternate method of entry is to walk to the front of the building to the main entrance for the Wellspring. Serving the Meal: Staff arrives for the day at 7:30am and Wellspring opens to guests at 8:00am. Please plan on arriving with your food no later than 8:15am to set up, or earlier if needed. Serving runs 8:30-9:30am. 3-4 people is a good-sized group for the kitchen space. Please plan on serving until 9:30am and clean up after yourselves. We ask that breakfast team volunteers wear disposable gloves while serving and/or touching food. We have coffee available to go with breakfast, and we may have juice if available. You may bring additional juice if you wish. We also supply the paper products needed (plates, bowls, plasticware, cups). During your meal, you may ask our staff members any questions you may have! You will find them at the front desk or throughout the facility. Thank you for your willingness to share your love through your gift of cooking with our brothers and sisters at the Shelter. The love you share through this ministry sets the tone for our work – it communicates in a tangible way that every person is important and cared for at St. John’s. Thank you for the blessing you are to all of us.

Meal Drop-Off Location

Green Bay, WI

Gift Cards

Provide support with a gift card to DoorDash, Panera, Chili's, Visa, and more.

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