Meal Train® for Cape Cod Hospital and Falmouth Hospital

Meal Train® for Cape Cod Hospital and Falmouth Hospital
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
Guidance for acceptable food donations: No food from individuals will be accepted. Donations can only be received from a licensed commercial facility. Only produce that required minimal handling such as apples, pears, bananas and oranges will be accepted. Donations cannot include any ingredient on Sodexo's banned product list which include: Raw sprouts Raw/unprocessed Yuca (Cassava) Root Unpasteurized milk and milk products Ground beef from unapproved suppliers Non USDA shielded shell eggs Unpasteurized liquid and frozen eggs Unpasteurized apples juice or blends that include apple juice MSG Lemon juice or lime juice with sulfites Non commercially caught fish and shell fish Vacuum packed fresh raw fish Escolar and Oilfish Fresh golf oysters Raw tuna scrape Non commercially raised game animals Non inspected wild mushrooms Home canned foods
Food For
50 Adults
Drop-Off Time
12pm noon for lunch - Anytime between 5:30pm and 7:30pm for dinner.
Special Instructions
At Cape Cod Hospital and Falmouth Hospital, a team of physicians, nurses and caregivers are working around the clock to serve patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. All meal donations will go directly to nurses, physicians, and other members of the healthcare teams caring for patients. No food donations are allowed for patients. Please provide 24 hours advance notice.
Meal Drop-Off Location
Hyannis, MA
Volunteer to provide help.