Meal Train® for Chris Brecheen and Katie Cookie

Meal Train® for Chris Brecheen and Katie Cookie
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
Strict vegetarian Preference for light or no dairy (but I have dairy pills for the occasional indulgence) No mushrooms Cooked onions only Beyond meat is okay Impossible meat (or any soy) is NOT okay
Food For
2 Adults
Drop-Off Time
Special Instructions
Chris is likely to be OUT OF IT during these couple of weeks (hence the help) so this probably isn't going to end up being a chance to say hi. Please be ready to just drop the food off. The household is still managing covid risks with small (read UNVACCINATED) children. Katie might not be able to do much more than say hi and thank you through the screen door. If you drop off food and run, please ring the doorbell so we can bring it inside. You're cooking for two. We won't mind maybe lunch the next day, but mountains of food will end up going to waste.
Meal Drop-Off Location
Meal Calendar
Volunteer to provide a meal.