Daniele Strawmyre

Meal Train® for Daniele Strawmyre

Daniele and Mike are having a third! Surprise! :) Their beautiful new rainbow baby will enter the world in the middle of a pandemic when it's harder than ever to stop by and help a Mama out. So let's organize some meal drop offs and more. Through this meal train you can sign up to deliver a good old fashioned meal but you can ALSO send gift cards for takeout (a great option if you live on the other side of the country like me!), sign up to get groceries, and lend a hand with childcare. Thanks for helping to surround Dani, Mike, Colin and Donavyn with the tight embrace of community support! **PLEASE NOTE—while there is a donation option included in this meal train, a small fee is charged! If you want to donate, Dani suggests that it might be easier, and we avoid the fees, if you just Venmo her your donation amount! Her Venmo is @DanieleRSG...


Daniele Strawmyre


Megan Bridge

28 Participants

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Gift Cards

Provide support with a gift card to DoorDash, Panera, Chili's, Visa, and more.

Be the first to give a gift card.




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Georgie is here!


November 12, 2020 by Daniele Strawmyre

I can’t believe I’m just now getting around to posting this (and of course most/all of you already know) but Georgie arrived! I went into labor late Wednesday night and we finally met our beautiful babe early Friday morning. After 24 hours where she didn’t have an official name (while we waited for election results, making sure the state of Georgia didn’t wind up handing the election to you know who) we joined in the celebrations of our nation and gave our girl her name, Georgia Kay Elizabeth, named after her great Aunt, Pop-pop’s middle name and paternal grandmother, respectively. We’ve been calling her Georgie and Gigi, but the kids have been insisting on calling her gumdrop. Whatever we’re calling her, she’s perfect and we’re all in love. Thanks to everyone who has dropped off food and groceries and yummy treats already. It has been a tremendous help to not have to worry about cooking and we definitely have some talented cooks for friends. Xoxo, Daniele, Mike, Colin, Donavyn and Georgia...

Getting close!


November 1, 2020 by Daniele Strawmyre

Thank you everyone who has signed up or donated! We had our first meal delivered tonight and it was SO yummy. Chicken Parm and baked ziti is the way to a pregnant Philly girl’s heart for sure. Having some contractions today so very close. We’ll see how the night goes. Wish us luck and thanks again y’all! Xo, Daniele, Mike, Colin, & Donavyn (and Lemmy the pup) 💕 ...