Meal Train® for The Evans Ely Family

Meal Train® for The Evans Ely Family
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
Gluten Soy Almond flour and Almonds Peanuts, nuts. Coconut/coco milk Eggs Bananas Oranges, orange juice Tomatoes Vinegar and vinegar products like salad dressings Mayo These items can be very light usage: Cheese Dairy Butter Cooking oils Salt Pepper Hot spices, even limit black pepper Tomato sauce Spaghetti sauce Onions or onion powder Garlic or garlic powder
Food For
1 Adult
Drop-Off Time
Special Instructions
Gluten Free foods that are simple, and free of soy and quinoa are welcome. Dan has many dietary restrictions so feel free to check in first and double check the allergens list below. Low fat, low sodium, little to no dairy, and lean meat. Stay very light to none on acidic foods like oranges and tomatoes. Easy to chew and bite sized foods. Anything that can be frozen is preferred. Some examples of meals Dan enjoys: teriyaki chicken with rice and veggies, Sweet potato and pork chop, enchiladas not too hot, burrito bowl, gluten free spaghetti. He definitely loves Mexican food but got to make it a bit basic and healthy. Groceries OR Side Dishes are welcome- we can combine them with other things- so you could send just some Dry GF pasta or bread, barbecue chicken, or just a side vegetable dish or just some white rice, or some baked potatoes. Best to check ahead with the provided number when possible. If you’ve come to drop off and there’s no answer, there is a cooler on the porch you can leave it in. We will get in the habit of leaving a note and ice packs in there. You can text or call 720-757-0666 to notify of delivery, to ask dietary question, or anything else about the meal train.
Meal Drop-Off Location
Niwot, CO
Meal Calendar
Volunteer to provide a meal.