Meal Train® for #TeamArkens

Meal Train® for #TeamArkens
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
Meals need to be similar to those fitting a diabetic diet, i.e., high protein, good fat and vegetables and fruit. Please avoid ALL sweets. Additionally, high potassium (things with a lot of tomato sauce) are NOT good.
Food For
2 Adults, 1 Kid
Drop-Off Time
Generally expected btw 5-5:15 PM on day of meal
Special Instructions
MEAL DELIVERY: Drop off between 5 and 5:15 PM on day of meal appreciated unless you make other arrangements. PLEASE TEXT Lauren at 920-213-1743 to let her know when you're coming. They will make sure the dog isn't outside. When you arrive at the house, please ring the doorbell. If someone does not come to the door please leave it on the front porch. Text/call Geralyn at 920-213-1742 if you can't reach Lauren. Disposable containers are nice to alleviate the need to return dishes. IMPORTANT -- With Lauren’s immune system being suppressed, we NEED to avoid exposing her to germs of any kind. So if you feel sick, feel like you're getting sick or have been in close proximity to an ill person, please do not bring food. Even if you have to cancel at the last minute, that’s ok. If you have any questions regarding this effort, feel free to contact Anne Higgins, the Meal Train administrator, at or at 920-716-8585 (text or call).
Meal Drop-Off Location
Menasha, WI
Volunteer to provide help.