Potluck for November Gathering

Saturday, Nov 9, 2024 6 PM - 9 PM


Jamie Miller

American Legion Post 308
11328 E Admiral Place
Tulsa  OK 

Item List


This slot is still available
Sandy Pike
Mushroom Tart
(Vegetarian but not gluten free (puff pastry))
Chip Atkins
Smoked salmon and crackers
Anne Dresel
cheese tray
Bryan Jodoin
Chips and salsa
Rhonda Carr
Caprese and charcuterie skewers

Side Dish

Lana Gotcher
Roasted Tartan Vegetables
Jamie Miller
Rumble de thumps
Ken Evans
Pasta salad
Rhonda Foster
Green beans w/ham
(Low carb)
Misty McCurry
Mince (Curtis M. Father of Bride)
Misty McCurry
Moose Roast and Clapshot (Penny S. Mother of Groom)
Misty McCurry
Corn & Crab Bisque
(Amber A (Family of Groom))
Glenn Gragg
Baked Neans


Jamie Miller
Pumpkin Crunch Dessert
Jamie Miller
Gluten Free Dessert
Misty McCurry
Wedding cake (Rebekah M. Guest of Bride)
Misty McCurry
Pecan Pie Bars (Virginia Groom’s Grandma)
Misty McCurry
Wedding Cake (Shelby S. Guest of Groom)
Lisa Northey-Mapes
Bread Pudding with Maple Butterscotch Sauce


This slot is still available
Catherine Bradfield
Yeast rolls
Claudia Kovar
White and wheat rolls


This slot is still available
Catherine Bradfield
Mixed greens
Ruth Webb
Fruit salad
Rhonda Foster
Green salad
Rebecca Pichette
Cranberry sauce ;)
Neil McInnis
Caesar salad