Potluck for Teen Feed - Casserole Comfort Food!

Saturday, Jan 23, 2021 Donation drop off 5-5:15 p.m.


Kristine Kisky

4515 16th Ave NE - University Congregational Church in the U District
We'll be along 16th Ave accepting donations 5-5:15 pm
Seattle WA 98105
206-251-2831=Kristine / 206-698-9233=CJ

Item List

Casserole for 10 (really hungry) people

(Please bring in pans you can leave, labeled with type of casserole and ingredients)
Cam Clemmons
Lena Yim
Casserole! Or is it a bake?!
Toni Bennett
Lasagna or some type of pasta casserole
Kennedy White
Hot Dish!
Sneha Mathan
A casserole
Kristine Kisky
think we're going corn dog casserole!
Victoria and Charlie Bird
Turkey tortilla casserole
Mary Taylor
GF turkey tetrazinni
(Handing off to Lena)

Vegan casserole for 8

(Please bring in pans you can leave, labeled with type of casserole and ingredients)
Deborah Thomas-Jones
don't know yet but it will be hot and cozy

10 handfuls of peeled baby carrots

(If you can bring the handfuls individually bagged, that would save the kitchen crew time!)
Katharine Guite
Katharine Guite
and 10 more! all in little ziplocks
Katharine Guite
could it be? 10 more...
Katharine Guite
10 more
Stephanie Holman
10 handfuls of peeled baby carrots
Stephanie Holman
10 handfuls of peeled baby carrots
Deborah Thomas-Jones
carrots are so yummy
Kristine Kisky
From the Bird family

Half gallon (32 oz) of ranch dressing

(Shop anywhere, but Smart FoodService/Cash & Carry has lots of affordable options)
Dana Pietromonaco
Dana, Paul and Rose
Dana Pietromonaco
Dana, Paul and Rose
Sneha Mathan
Sneha Mathan
Ranch 👗-ing

Vegan ranch dip

(Enough to fill 8 good sized ramekins)
Stephanie Holman
Vegan Ranch Dip

Portable fruit - 10 servings

(Cuties, apples, bananas, raisin boxes ... you choose!)
Toni Bennett
Thy Huynh
More bananas
Thy Huynh
Throwing in some bananas too!
Thy Huynh
More cuties!
Thy Huynh
More cuties!
Thy Huynh
I’ll bring the cuties!
Deborah Thomas-Jones
more fruit
Deborah Thomas-Jones

Dessert bars for a dozen

(A few ideas: https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/g3088/best-dessert-bar-recipes-cookie-bars/)
Katharine Guite
Snickerdoodle bars
Katharine Guite
(oreo. gasm. cheesecake. bars.)
Bernadette Pauls
I wish to wish
Bernadette Pauls
To create a dish
Bernadette Pauls
That hopes not to taste of fish!
Kristine Kisky
Something sweet
Ana Le

Napkins for 80

Sneha Mathan
for 80

Boxes, bags and ramekins for to go service for 80

Kristine Kisky
got 'em

8 or more vegan dessert bars

Bernadette Pauls
Something yummy and gluten free this way comes

12 pack of sparkling water

Dana Pietromonaco
Dana, Paul and Rose
Dana Pietromonaco
Dana, Paul and Rose
Dana Pietromonaco
Dana, Paul and Rose
Katharine Guite
Katharine Guite
the sparkliest
Katharine Guite
so sparkly
Deborah Thomas-Jones

One awesome family to prep to go meals in the Teen Feed kitchen

(thank you so much)
Kristine Kisky
Kisky fam can do