Potluck for

March First Wednesday Dinner

Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025 6PM

March First Wednesday Dinner

 Annette Tate


1056 Hwy 1
Lugoff SC 

View/Email all participants 42

Breakfast for Dinner!! Please sign up if you'd like to contribute to our dinner. If you are signing up for a breakfast Casserole, please notify what kind. It's ok if we have duplicates.

Breakfast Casserole

(9"x13" casserole or Crock Pot Size Casserole)
 Melissa Cargill
Crescent roll breakfast casserole  
 Austyn Whitmeyer
Sausage hashbrown casserole   
 Kelly Cobb
Breakfast casserole   
 Jessica Bagwell
Sausage biscuits and gravy   
 Taylor Cornor
Sausage Gravy Breakfast casserole   
(Cresant roll, eggs, maple sausage, country gravy, shredded cheese)
 Joseph Love This music!
Han and cheese Quiche  

Fruit/Fruit Salad

This slot is still available
This slot is still available
 Annette Tate
Fruit Salad  
 Laurie Jones
Strawberries, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Pineapple, Grapes  

Muffins/Sweet Bread

(2 Dozen Muffins or loaf of Sweet Bread)
 Brittany Hazel
Blueberry and Chocolate Chip muffins   
 Sarah Conyers
Chocolate pumpkin muffins  
 Keenan and Holly Price
Banana nut muffins  
 Dana Fleming
 Jayne Arnold
Fresh Baked Bread