Fernwood Montessori - School Cafe
3239 S Pennsylvania Ave
Milwaukee WI
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Calling All Chefs! Please consider sharing a favorite chili or soup recipe at the Fernwood Soup & Chili Supper on Friday- February 7th, 2025. Individuals or groups can cook 6-ish quarts (one crockpot) of soup or chili to share with the Fernwood Community (and a couple printouts of the recipe for people to take pictures of, if you care to share). We have chosen to stagger the arrival, chefs can sign up to arrive at 5:15pm for the 5:30pm start or arrive at 6:15pm for the 6:30pm start (chefs on the late shift can bring their soup early...we will have a room to keep the soups plugged in while those people enjoy the first shift of the event). Please specify in your signup if your soup/chili is vegetarian, vegan, or omnivorous; what level of spice 1-5 (5 being the spiciest), a fun name for your dish (optional), and the name of the chef(s). Chefs need to bring an extension cord and either tie back hair, wear a hat, or bring a hairnet. You (or a family member) will need to be in charge of bringing and serving the soup. The person who brings and serves the soup will get free admission into the event. When the other session is going or when the soup is gone, the server is welcome to enjoy the event as a customer. There is plenty of time to decide what to make. If you have any questions please contact Brett.Mytys@gmail.com.