Potluck for Annual Church Picnic

Sunday, Aug 25, 2024 Immediately following ONE 10:30 a.m. Outdoor Service


Gretchen Seletzky

1435 West Royalton Rd.
Broadview Heights Ohio 

Item List

Picnic Coordinator Apprentice

(Join in the coordinating process this year for taking over next year.)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available

Tent Set Up

(Assist Tim Held Sat. 8/24 @10 a.m. CoH Parking Lot.)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
Jolaina Deblock
Bryce Deblock
Kathy Bohatka
Faith Elizabeth
James Domzalski
James Domzalski Tent Set up
James Domzalski
Isaac Domzalski Tent Set up

Table and Chair Set Up

(Sat/Sun a.m. set up tables/chairs, get CoH tables - set outside tent, move under tent for lunch)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
Kevin & Michelle Sirey
Sirey family Sunday morning 0930
Becky Ross
Mike Ross

Sound Set Up

(Arrive @ 7:30 a.m. Sunday, Tim will direct setup)
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This slot is still available
David James
Sound set up

Canopy Tents for Grill Team

(Provide and set up prior to service @10 a.m.)
Gretchen Seletzky
Hannah Gyorgak
Canopy tent

Food Purchaser

(The week of event purchase food and paper goods)
Jolaina Deblock
Food purchasing
Kathy Behrendt
Paper goods purchase

Food Coordinators

(10 a.m. Sunday - Greet, organize, direct people in food placement)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available

Grill Team

(Start grill prior to service @ 10 a.m. begin grilling at start of service to be ready by service end)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
Kathy Bohatka
Bridgett Dorman
Dan Sinclair
Grill team- Dan Sinclair

Ice Packs

(Pick up 6 foil pans from kitchen week before, fill with water, freeze and bring to picnic by 10 a.m.)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
ice blocks
Hannah Gyorgak
Ice packs
Kathy Bohatka
(added by KB)
Faith Elizabeth
Will help w ice pack
Carol Seger
6 frozen foil pans of water

Lettuce/ Tomato/Onion Prep

(Purchase, wash, dry, slice bring to picnic)
Amber & John DeScenzo
Romaine leafs,tomato,onion for both shredded and sliced
Faith Elizabeth
Will bring 2 heads of lettuce 6-8 tomato's and 4 onions cleaned and sliced
Kathy Behrendt
Tray of prepared lettuce, tomatoes, onions
Carol Seger
Garden Lettuce leaves, sliced tomatoes and chopped onion for hot dogs

Beverage Team

(Wash coolers the week before picnic, purchase ice, add water, maintain during picnic)
This slot is still available
Beverly Sirey
Bill & Bev
Amber & John DeScenzo
John and Amber

Garbage Patrol

(Monitor garbage cans, tying of bags, putting in dumpster and replacing bags as needed.)
This slot is still available
Kari O'Hara
The O’Hara fam
Amber & John DeScenzo
John and kids

Table and Chair Clean Up

(At picnic end, wipe down tables, return to storage. Stack rented tables + chairs for pickup)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
Jill Wimbley
Leonard Wimbley
Tom Heun
Heun Family
Tom Kirk
Tom/Jenny Kirk

Food Clean Up

(Package unopened leftovers or those that can be frozen, dispose of unclaimed, wash utensils.)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
Carol Seger
Food clean up
Kathy Bohatka
Food Clean Up
Deb Fitzgerald
food clean up Tom and I
Deb Fitzgerald

Tent Tear Down

(Assist in taking down and putting away tents at picnic's end.)

Tent Tear Down

(Assist in taking down and putting away tents at picnic's end.)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
Jolaina Deblock
Bryce Deblock
Nate Eikhoff
Nate Eikhoff

Sound System Clean Up

(Assist in putting away sound equip after the worship service.)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available