Potluck for Men's I-Help Meal July 14

Sunday, Jul 14, 2024 4 PM deadline for donations


Rose Lovell

490 Aguajito Road
Carmel CA 

Item List

Main Dish for 8 - Stew, chili, soup, pasta or Your favorite dish

(Please sign up for a dish to serve 8)
Rose Lovell
Seafood stew
Wanda Sue Parrott
Casserole--tuna or chicken and noodle dish with veggies
(By the time everything comes together, it is enough for 10-12 or even more folks)
Suzanne Schmidt
Mexican Hot Dish

Two Chickens

(Two large Costco Rotisserie Chickens)
Christine and Bill Bailey Becker
Christine and Bill Bailey Becker

Vegetables 2 pounds each, Steamed or Roasted, 5lb bag of frozen Tater Tots

(2 Vol. for Frozen or fresh Veggies roasted, 1 vol. 1 bag of frozen tater tots)
This slot is still available
Kathleen Craig
Tater tots will be left in kitchen freezer
Steve Smaby
Tater Tots

(#1)2 loaves bread or corn bread (#2)One medium Salad, (#3) sliced cheeses(variety) and crackers

(Two volunteers for item #1, One volunteer for #2 and 1 Volunteer for #3)
Ann Jacobson
#1 (Two loaves of bread)
(Please advise as to their bread preferences if you know.)
Kathleen Craig
Rose requested Appetizer of carrot and celery sticks with spinach & cheese dip
(This pairs with cheeses and crackers)
Kathleen Craig
#2 two bags of salad
Kathleen Craig
#3 crackers and cheeses

Ice Cream and Fruit

(The men are asking for less sweets and more Seasonal Fruit)
This slot is still available
Carol Collin
2 cartons of ice cream
Christine and Bill Bailey Becker
Large bowl of peaches or strawberries.

(#1)1 gallon Whole White Milk (#2) 1 gallon Chocolate Milk

(Half Gallon or Gallon containers - two volunteers for White Milk, two for Chocolate Milk )
This slot is still available
Maren Martin
1 gal White Milk
Maren Martin
1 gal White Milk
Robin Tardo
1 gal choc milk, in fridge, marked

(#1. )1 large apple juice and 1 Pint half and half, (#2. ) 2 liter bottles ofCoke

(One volunteer to bring (#1 )and another to bring (#2))
Kathleen Craig
#2, coke and 7 up
(I will leave them in the fridge, marked for i-help men)
Robin Tardo
Apple juice and half and half, in fridge, marked

Packets of Trail Mix/Nuts, muffins

(For Breakfast the next day, 2 Volunteers please)
Rose Lovell
We have pastries in the freezer downstairs
Rose Lovell
Protein Bars are in the I-Help Cabinet

Fruit - bananas, grapes

(For Breakfast the next day- the men are loving grapes )
This slot is still available
Maren Martin

Check to make sure all doors are locked

(Make sure the church is secure)
Rose Lovell
Rose will make sure doors are locked

Set-up tables

(Set up tables in the entry with place settings and salt and pepper shakers)
Mike Lovell
Set up tables

Food set-up and Greet Guests

This slot is still available
This slot is still available
Rose Lovell
I will be there to open the church and help with set-up
Christine and Bill Bailey Becker
Happy to help with this. Bill and Christine

Stay for the meal with our guests

This slot is still available
Wanda Sue Parrott
I will eat with them.
Steve Smaby
Steve Smaby
(be there at 5:00pm)