Potluck for Men's I-Help Meal October 13th

Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 4 PM deadline for donations


Rose Lovell

490 Aguajito Road
Carmel CA 

Item List

The men requested Hot dogs! 48 hot dogs, buns and condiments

Rose Lovell
Mike will grill hot dogs ahead of time for the Men
Rose Lovell
We will provide the condiments needed
Rose Lovell
We will provide the buns

Main Dish for 8 - Stew, chili, soup, pasta or Your favorite dish

(Please sign up for a dish to serve 8)
Kathleen Craig
Chili, a large pot

Two Chickens

(Two large Costco size Rotisserie Chickens - one volunteer for each)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available

Baked Beans, we need 3 2lb bags of frozen Tater Tots

(Baked Beans, 1 vol., Three 2lb bag of frozen tater tots, 3 Volunteers)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available

(#1)One Cole Slaw or Potato Salad (#2) Regular or Potato Salad, (#3) peanut butter and crackers

(Two volunteers for item #1, One volunteer for #2 and 1 Volunteer for #3)
This slot is still available
Rose Lovell
#3. I will have a container of peanut butter and crackers for the men when they arrive
Kathleen Craig
#2 medium salad
Robin Tardo
#1 One Cole slaw

Ice Cream and Fruit

(The men are asking for less sweets and more Seasonal Fruit)
Carol Collin
2 Cartons of Ice Cream
Rick Reimer
Bringing assorted fruits for dessert and next morning.

(#1)2 Half gallons Whole White Milk (#2)2 Half gallons Chocolate Milk (#3) 1 pint half and half

(Half Gallon containers please - one volunteer for #1 & #2, one volunteer for #3, )
This slot is still available
Robin Tardo
#1 2 half-gallons white milk
Robin Tardo
#2 2 half gallons chocolate milk

(#1. )1 large Orange Juice and Fruit Juice (#2. ) 2 liter Coke (2 please) and(#3) 7 up (1 please)

(One volunteer to bring (#1 )and another to bring (#2))
This slot is still available
Kathleen Craig
#1. Juices
Kathleen Craig
(#2)2 two liter Cokes

Requested ind. packs of Crackers and Peanut Butter/Cheese

(To-go for the next day, 24 please )
Rose Lovell
I will have enough individual peanut butter crackers for all the men
Rose Lovell
We should have enough protein and granola bars for the men in the cabinet

Fruit - bananas, grapes

(For Breakfast the next day- the men are loving grapes )
Kathleen Craig

Check to make sure all doors are locked

(Make sure the church is secure)
Rose Lovell
Mike and I will make sure the doors are locked

Set-up tables

(Set up tables in the entry with place settings and salt and pepper shakers)
Mike Lovell
Mike will set up the tables

Food set-up and Greet Guests

This slot is still available
Rose Lovell
Mike and I will be there to set up and greet
Kathleen Craig
I will help set up meal and greet guests.

Stay for the meal with our guests

This slot is still available
This slot is still available
Rose Lovell
Stay to eat with the Men