North Shore Church of Hospitality Events
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Menominee MI
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Shore Lunch for February 25th will be APPETIZERS following the 10:00 Worship Service. 1- There will be a rolling cart at the door for you to drop your food off. If you need to give special instructions, take the food downstairs and give instructions to the Shore Lunch Coordinator, Kelsey Shruck. 2- Make sure hot dishes arrive at church HOT. Power strips will be on the table for you to plug in your slow cooker or crockpot. 3- Make sure the food you bring is ready for people to eat, cut up, and easy to serve from the container. 4- You can also bring your recipe to share with people! 5- Leftovers will go home with you, so DO NOT leave without taking the container you brought. No need to bring utensils from home- they will be supplied by church :) Here is a website that may help give you some ideas : If you have any questions, please contact the church office (906.863.3212 // or the Shore Lunch Coordinator, Kelsey Shruck. Thank you for bringing a dish to make this incredible ministry a success!
Please mark any/all dishes that contain shellfish, dairy, gluten, and nut products. Thank you!