Deb Seger of Embrace Grace at Parkside Church
LocationParkside Church
9560 Paradise Ln
Waconia MN
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We're very excited to shower our mamas Brittney (Baby Boy Alexander born in September), and Courtney (Baby Girl due in January) with love on November 9th. Please consider signing up to help us provide food on this special day. There will be a volunteer available at church to receive your food, set up, and serve it. Clearly label any serving bowls, trays, etc. with your name. Please call Deb Seger @ 612-799-7946 if you have any questions. PRINCESS DAY BRUNCH is from 10 am -1 pm. *This is a PRIVATE event to pamper Brittney, and Courtney Please DROP OFF your food items for the Princess Day Brunch event by 9:30 AM in Parkside's downstairs kitchen. (Hoping you'll be able to come back and attend the baby shower later) BABY SHOWER is from 1-3:30 pm *This is a PUBLIC event. Please BRING your food items for the Baby Shower by 12:30 PM to Parkside's Aroma Cafe (upstairs). Hoping you'll be able to stay for the shower as we celebrate our moms and their babies.
No pork