Potluck for

Veteran Community Turkey Dinner

Friday, Feb 28, 2025 6-8 pm

Veteran Community Turkey Dinner

 Michelle Brousseau


Veteran Hall
Veteran  Alberta 

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Thank you for supporting this event. We ask that food donations be dropped off between 4:30 & 5:30

Mashed Potatoes - large dutch oven

 Janice Chapman
 Jacky Heistad
 Judy Bishell
extra large pot of potatoes (keep water for gravy)  
 Michelle Brousseau
Mashed potatoes  
(Diane Ulseth)
 Jackie Rodvang
10 lbs of mashed potatoes   

Buns - 1 dozen

 Jenn Letourneau
 Jenn Letourneau
 Bertha Lafontaine
1 dozen buns  
 Bertha Lafontaine
1 dozen buns  
 Cassie Pennington
2 dozen buns  
(Sue Simkin is donating 2 dozen buns)
 Cassie Pennington
1 Dozen white buns  
 Angela Dawson
Dozen buns  
 Michelle Brousseau
(Lisa Ulseth)
 Debbie Johnstone
Dozen buns  
 Debbie Johnstone
Dozen buns  
 Debbie Johnstone
Dozen buns  

Frozen Peas - 1 kg

(we will be mixing with carrots)
 Jenn Letourneau
Bag of peas   
 Jenn Letourneau
More peas   
 Cassie Pennington
1 kg of Frozen Peas  
 Angela Dawson
Frozen peas  
 Lorna Rooney
Frozen peas  
 Debbie Johnstone
Frozen peas  

sliced cooked Carrots -

(we will be mixing with peas)
 Gloria Nelson
sliced cooked carrots  
 Janice Allison
 Nichole Grocock
 Nichole Grocock

Lettuce Salad

(Enough for 25 people with salad dressing )
 Cassie Pennington
(Jan McDiarmid Bring large bowl with Coleslaw )
 Judy Bishell
Large lettuce salad w/3 dressing choices  
 Jeri-Lee Deneault
 Dan Gorcak
Dan/Joy Gorcak  
 Tallis Allison
 Kelly Vetter
Asian salad  

Dessert - 2 9" pies or a 9x13

 Bertha Lafontaine
2 pies  
 Cassie Pennington
2 Pies  
 Angela Dawson
2 pies  
 Brenda Stickel
Dessert 9 x 13  
 Joanne Carfantan
9x13 dessert  
 Michelle Brousseau
9 x 13  
(Lisa Ulseth)
 Pat Watson
9 x 13 dessert   
 Julie Nelson

Cranberry Sauce

 Judy Bishell

butter - 450 grams (1 lb)

 Jenn Letourneau
 Cassie Pennington
1-1lb of butter  
 Lorna Rooney
 Debbie Johnstone
Salted butter  
 Jackie Rodvang
1 lb salted butter   

Kitchen help 5:30 to 6:30

(Prepare food and tend serving table)
 Jenn Letourneau
Will help in kitchen   
 Marsha Tkach
 Pat Watson
I would like this shift  
(Maybe Jack could help with tickets at same time.)
 Debbie Johnstone
Kitchen help 5:30-6:30  
 Jackie Rodvang
Food Prep/tend serving tables  
 Gloria Nelson
Making gravy   
(Making graving for the dinner)

Kitchen help 6:30 to end

(Prepare food and tend serving table)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
 Sarah Tkach
 Dan Gorcak
Kitchen Help  

Table clearers

(Clean tables and scrape plates)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
 Dan Gorcak
Table Clearing  
 Janice Allison
Table cleaner  
 Janice Allison
Table cleaners  
 Kelly Vetter
Kelly vetter and Sarah smith  

Dish Washers 6:30 to 7:15

(Scrape, rinse, load dishwasher, hand wash pots)
 Janice Chapman
Dish washer  
 Tallis Allison
Dish washer   
 Tallis Allison
Lance Allison   

Dish Washers 7:15 to 8:00

(Scrape, rinse, load dishwasher, hand wash pots)
 Cassie Pennington
Dish washer  
 Janice Chapman
Dish washer  
 Marsha Tkach