Potluck for

Beriece Castle Memorial Reception

Thursday, Mar 28, 2024 2:30 PM

Beriece Castle Memorial Reception

 Mickie Giberson


Central Christian Church
1111 W Broadway
Enid OK 

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The family will hold a memorial service in the Chapel at 2 pm on Thursday, March 28. There will be a reception following the service in Fellowship Hall. I estimate it to start soon after 2:30. We are anticipating about 50 in attendance. Bring your food to the kitchen before 2 pm. This is finger food and we will not use silverware.



(Tea, Coffee, Punch or Bottled Water provided by Church)
 Mickie Giberson
Sparkling Cranberry Punch  


(Prefer dessert items to eat without a fork like cookies or brownies.)
 Lois Sexton
Chocolate no bake cookies  
 Linda Crabbs
Chocolate Sheet Cake  
 Georgie Haltom
Sugar cookies  
 Janet Lohmeyer

Savory Finger Foods

(Deviled eggs, finger sandwiches)
 Betty Unruh
Homemade meatballs  
 Lois Sexton
Deviled eggs  
 Paul Giberson
Cucumber Sandwiches  
 Carol Vance Ingram
Sausage and Pineapple Bites  

Vegetable Tray

(Small tray)
 Kay Allison
Veggie and Cheese Tray  

Fruit Tray

(Small tray)
 Judi Jorden
Fruit skewers with dip  

Relish Tray

(Pickles or Devilled Eggs)
 Mickie Giberson
Artichoke Dip and Naan Bread  
 Carolyn Kurz
Deviled eggs  

Volunteers to Serve and Clean Up

 Harry Hammonds
To help serve and clean up  
 Karen Foster
Set up and Clean up  
 Carolyn Kurz
Carolyn Kurz  
(Serve and clean up)
 Kay Allison
Kay Allison