Potluck for

Dog Park Info and Dessert Night

Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Dog Park Info and Dessert Night

 Shelley Vinson


1801 Kinney Ave
Austin  TX  

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We are passing out flyers to our dog park neighbors inviting them to join us in the church auditorium for a brief info session on our new dog park policies. We would like to have some church members there to visit with our guests, serve them dessert and coffee (provided), and make them feel welcome. If you're able to come and would like to bring a dessert to share, please sign up below and plan to be there by 6:15pm to help set up before our guests arrive. Thank you!


(1-2 dozen per sign-up)
This slot is still available
 Maeghan Bell
Chocolate Chip Cookies  
 Monica Moore
Peanut Butter Cookies  

Other Desserts (Easy to hold / Mess-free)

(Brownies, blondies, dessert bars, cupcakes, etc.)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available

Gluten Free Desserts

This slot is still available
 Christina Hayward
GF blondies  

Fruit Trays

(Any size, assorted fruit of your choice)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available

Sparkling Waters (2 cases)

This slot is still available
 Emily Knoll
2 cases!