
Multiple volunteers per activity on Meal Train Plus

  • Open the Meal Train page and click the Edit Page button at the top
  • Click Edit Calendar

Example: You want 3 people to bring different parts of a meal.

First, select the Category (ex. Meal)

  • Enter the Need (ex. Appetizer). Add it to all the days needed. Click Save.

Edit window with category list, field for needs, and selected calendar dates.

  • Click on the date box again. Enter the Need (ex. Main Dish). Add it to all the days needed. Click Save.

Meal category selected, main dish entered in field, date selected.

  • Click on the date box again. Enter the Need (ex. Dessert) Add it to all the days needed. Click Save.

Meal category selected, dessert entered, date selected.

Your calendar for that date should look like this:

Grid calendar shows 3 meal needs for one date.

How Meal Train Plus looks to participants when they view the calendar:

Participants see a list view of 3 meals for one date on the Meal Train page.

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