Trademark Overview
MEAL TRAIN® is a registered trademark of Meal Train LLC. You may only use our trademark with our permission, and in accordance with any brand guidelines we may publish. Press Inquiries, or requests for permission to use our brand assets, may be directed to our contact form or to
Brand Guidelines
Keep the phrase Meal Train consistent. Keep the letters "M" and "T" in Meal Train capitalized and in the same font size and style as the content surrounding it. Maintain a single space between the word Meal and the word Train.
Avoid representing the Meal Train brand in a way that: Implies partnership, sponsorship or endorsement, without permission.
Don’t combine any part of the Meal Train brand with a company name, other trademarks, or generic terms.
Meal Train® is a brand, and we thank you for using our trademark properly. Here are some examples of how the trademark may be used in a sentence:
- Example 1: "You can set up a Meal Train® page by..."
- Example 2: "Tips for Organizing a Meal Train® page:..." OR "Tips for Organizing with Meal Train®..."
- Example 3: "Best Meal Train® meal ideas..."
Anyone using Meal Train's assets should only use the following logo:

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Legal Disclaimer
Meal Train LLC is the owner of the service mark MEAL TRAIN (Serial Number 77862045), registered on 7/13/2010.
Meal Train LLC dedicates substantial resources to the development and protection of its intellectual property. Meal Train LLC enforces its rights against people who misuse its trademarks.
Do not use Meal Train LLC's trademarks for anything that would be inconsistent with Meal Train's Terms and Policies.
We may revoke permission to use Meal Train LLC's trademarks at any time. Meal Train LLC reserves the right to withhold approval of content that it considers inconsistent with the Meal Train brand.