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Meal Train® for The Whiteside Family
Meal Train® for The Whiteside Family
Recipient Info
Food For
3 Adults
Drop-Off Time
10am - 7:30 pm
Special Instructions
Contact Griffin and/or Julia Chelnokov (941-993-7955) if unsure what to get or any other issues or questions. Marcia Pickholtz (443-605-6031) can also help if needed.
Meal Drop-Off Location
Timonium, Maryland
Recipient Info
Meal Drop-Off Location
1912 Knollton Road
Timonium Maryland 21093
View Map
Preferred Drop-Off Time
10am - 7:30 pm
People to Cook For
3 Adults
Favorite Meals or Restaurants
Both love pizza. Plain cheese for Tricia and meat/spicy/veg for Griff. Simple, healthy meals will be appreciated. Griff likes spicy and his mom prefers blander foods. Just check with Griff since they can't eat pizza every night. Goal is to have things around they can eat if hungry. Refrigerator foods also fine. Some good local restaurants are: Pasta Mista, Gnarly Fresh, Timonium Hot Bagels, Yomato Sushi, Spice and Dice, Indian Palace, and Andy Nelson BBQ
Least Favorite Meals
White sauces are out, including ranch, mayo, oleo, Alfredo, etc.... Nothing too rich and nothing too smelly. No hot fish. Check with Julia, Griff, or Marcia if unsure.
Special Instructions
Contact Griffin and/or Julia Chelnokov (941-993-7955) if unsure what to get or any other issues or questions. Marcia Pickholtz (443-605-6031) can also help if needed.
Meal Instructions
Any time of day is good!
Groceries Instructions
Please check with Julia or Griff on grocery days to see what is needed.
Donations for The Whiteside Family
$1,870 raised of $1,000 goal from 24 people. See Who
Donations for The Whiteside Family
Michelle Briggs
- $50
- 2 years ago
- $50
- 2 years ago
- $50
- 2 years ago
- $50
- 2 years ago
Carey Zumpano
- $100
- 2 years ago
Join this list. Donate now.
DonateTim Sudeith
- $50
- 2 years ago
Mackenzie Tim and peekaboo
- $200
- 2 years ago
Fred and Aaron Chan, Grace Hales
- $100
- 2 years ago
julie mcarthur
- $50
- 2 years ago
Amy Selmanoff
- $50
- 2 years ago
Amy Caplan
- $50
- 2 years ago
Barbara DeNearing
- $50
- 2 years ago
- $20
- 2 years ago
- $65
- 2 years ago
Michael Hauck
- $100
- 2 years ago
Join this list. Donate now.
DonateMason Barish
- $75
- 2 years ago
- $100
- 2 years ago
Sean Silva
- $50
- 2 years ago
- $100
- 2 years ago
Nicholas Rummel
- $50
- 2 years ago
William Mondragon
- $20
- 2 years ago
vera chelnokov
- $200
- 2 years ago
Jackie Hueftle
- $200
- 2 years ago
John Wilder
- $40
- 2 years ago
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All dates are booked, but there are still other ways to help.
Make a donation to The Whiteside Family, or contact the organizer for more dates.
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$1,870 raised by 24 people.