Meal Train® for The Green Family for Montana Green's Neuroblastoma Journey

The Green Family for Montana Green's Neuroblastoma Journey

Meal Train® for The Green Family for Montana Green's Neuroblastoma Journey

On August 9, 2023, Beautiful Montana Green fell ill with an unknown illness. Testing began at Baptist Hospital in Southern Indiana and after being uncertain of the results, his parents, who serve our communities as first responders, Malliccaaii and Briana Green, who are Police Officers and Licenced Practical Nurse decided to escalate his care to Norton Children's Hospital in Louisville Kentucky. August 11, 2023 Montana Green's Doctors found what had been causing their son's issues. A mass the size of a softball was found on top of his right kidneys' adrenal gland. The doctors informed Montana's worried parents that the mass was called Neuroblastoma- a rare form of pediatric kidney cancer affecting 700-800 children per year. Officer and Nurse Green were devastated. Worse yet, they now yoked with explaining this information to their 2 young children, Milan and Zola, who were home- worried about their baby brother with a cherished family member. At this time, our team jumped into action. We thank you for contributing to their family's Meal Train! We are grateful for the love and encouragement as they traverse these trying times. Our goal is to ensure they know they are NEVER ALONE. Your contributions of meals, kind words, cash donations, house cleaning, and other duties will help them afford and maintain the life Green Family knows. A sense of normalcy, family life, consistency, and community while they nurture their children throughout these overwhelming, and painful treatments for Montana's Neuroblastoma will be beneficial to everyone involved during trying times. Cancer doesn't just affect the person, but the entire family. Please join us in holding space for this wonderful family. Montana's current location is Norton Children's Hospital. This will transition back home or to a different facility over the next few weeks/months as his treatment plan evolves. Please follow and share in their son's Neuroblastoma journey here, where we will update and celebrate Montana beating this Neuroblastoma monster together! NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE! ...

$9,385 raised of $20,000 goal from 142 people.  See Who


The Green Family for Montana Green's Neuroblastoma Journey


Robin Brohm of Guiding Sparrow Incoporated, LLC

157 Participants

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Donations for The Green Family for Montana Green's Neuroblastoma Journey

$9,385 raised of $20,000 goal from 142 people.  See Who

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Home for the next 3 weeks


September 21, 2024 by Robin Brohm of Guiding Sparrow Incoporated, LLC

Montana was discharged and will be home for the next couple of weeks until the next cycle of immunotherapy. Montana is feeling good and happy to be in his own bed. Thank you all for your love and support, you all rock. We love you !

4th cycle of immunotherapy


September 20, 2024 by Robin Brohm of Guiding Sparrow Incoporated, LLC

We are on the 4th cycle of immunotherapy. We were held back a couple of weeks due to Montana having a bacteria infection growing in his central line, so it required 10 days of IV antibiotics for 10 days. It has been a rough week for Montana being that he was having an adverse reaction to Fentanyl it was making him agitated and wild. Finally was changed back to Dilaudid, during that changed Montana was experiencing some terrible pain, which is what the drug Dinutuximab does causes nerve pain. Montana is feeling back to himself and hoping to be discharged in the next few days. Thank you everyone for the love and support!...

4 more rounds of immunotherapy


July 17, 2024 by Robin Brohm of Guiding Sparrow Incoporated, LLC

Montana is back home, he did great this second round 4 more rounds to go !! #immunotherapy