Potluck for

Funeral Reception for Tess Gregory

Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 2:00 PM

Funeral Reception for Tess Gregory

 Mickie Giberson


Central Christian Church
1111 W Broadway
Enid OK 73703

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A reception will be served in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, March 18 at approximately 2:00. Plan on 60-70 people. Please bring your food gift to the church by noon. The memorial graveside service will be at 1 pm in Enid's Memorial Park Cemetery. The family will arrive at the church following the service and spend time together and with friends.

None that we are aware of.

Finger Sandwiches

(Cucumber, Egg Salad, Chicken Salad, Pimiento or similar)
 Paul Giberson
cucumber sandwiches  
 Janet Camp
Pimiento Cheese Finger Sandwiches  
 Karen Foster
Chicken salad sandwiches  


(Meat & Cheese, Veggie, Small Fruit, Relish)
 Betty Unruh
Medium fruit tray  
(Lois to pick up for Betty.)
 Lois Sexton
Veggie tray  
 Terri Carpenter
Celery and Cheese Ball Tray  
 Harry Hammonds
Cheese and meat tray   
 Carolyn Kurz
Relish Plate  

Debra's Deli Sandwiches

 Mickie Giberson
Debra's Deli Sandwiches  
 Betty Unruh
Medium sandwich tray from Jumbo  
(Lois to pick up for Betty)

Finger Foods

(Marinated Mozzarella Skewers, Celery Sticks, Deviled Eggs etc.)
 Georgie Haltom
Deviled eggs  
 Carol Ingram
Sausage & Pineapple on toothpicks  
 Allison Angleton
Bacon wrapped water chestnuts  


(Church will provide iced tea and water.)
 Mickie Giberson
(Church will provide)
 Mickie Giberson
(Church will provide)

Individual Portion Desserts

(Cheesecake Bites, Cookies, etc)
 Linda Crabbs
Pineapple Sheet Cake  
 Penny Bishop
Chocolate sheet cake bars  
 Janet Lohmeyer
Chocolate chip cookies  


(To help serve the family and clean up. Decorate tables.)
 Terri Carpenter
Serve and Clean Up  
 Harry Hammonds
To help serve and clean up   
 Martha O’Banion
 Carolyn Kurz
Volunteer to serve  
 Levi Maddux
Serve and clean up