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Meal Train® for The Pines
Meal Train® for The Pines
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
Food For
3 Adults, 1 Kid
Drop-Off Time
Before 5pm
Special Instructions
Dates are marked but nothing is concrete. We're just hoping to get a little help from our community. If you'd like to help in any of the ways listed, but the date doesn't align with your availability, just get in touch with Ash. The calendar will probably be updated as life changes.... We really appreciate you.
Meal Drop-Off Location
Portland, OR
Recipient Info
Allergy or Dietary Restriction
Meal Drop-Off Location
3319 NE 92nd Ave
Portland OR
View Map
Preferred Drop-Off Time
Before 5pm
People to Cook For
3 Adults, 1 Kid
Favorite Meals or Restaurants
Pizza: Wild Child Mexican: Por Que No is an obvious go to but Los Punales is beloved Mediterranean: Bluto's ...really anything? Afton favorite foods: Risotto cakes (they’re obsessed with the ones from New Seasons if you feel like trying to replicate) All the fruit Eggs Bagels Olives Mexican rice + beans Anything that can be dipped. Also, don’t entirely stress about Afton. We will have plenty of favorites on hand.
Least Favorite Meals
Dislikes: bell peppers, tuna, heavy mustard, kimchi
Special Instructions
Dates are marked but nothing is concrete. We're just hoping to get a little help from our community. If you'd like to help in any of the ways listed, but the date doesn't align with your availability, just get in touch with Ash. The calendar will probably be updated as life changes.... We really appreciate you.
Meal Instructions
The first two weeks before the due date, we're hoping to get a stockpile of frozen meals, we’d love things that are ready to throw right in the freezer with directions for reheating and eat by dates- after we'll update as this little one decides to enter the world. All dates prior to due date (1/12) are flexible and if you want to bring one by but someone beat you to the day, just text Ash to let them know you're stopping by.
Child Care Instructions
Affie is out of school the two days that are marked. However, if you'd like to arrange a little Affie hang time on a weekend, just text Ash.
Communication Instructions
Please feel free to reach out by calling or texting Ash to see if anything is needed, check in on Bree or Ash, etc...
Help Instructions
Harry is well, not the best walker…. So, we’d understand if you only made it around the block! And…dates are flexible. Maybe it will snow…😬 Just text Ash
Groceries Instructions
It's unfortunate that Trader Joe's isn't on Instacart.... If it's a go to spot for you and you want our list, feel free to reach out and Ash will Venmo you. Also, flexible on the dates given.
Donations for The Pines
The Savages
- $150
- 11 months ago
Olivia Scott
- $50
- 11 months ago
Kimmy & Sean
- $150
- 11 months ago
Susan Palmer
- $40
- 11 months ago
- $50
- 11 months ago
Join this list. Donate now.
DonateJenny McKenzie
- $20
- 11 months ago
Rachel Thomas
- $25
- 11 months ago
Bethany O'Hagan
- $100
- 12 months ago
Marissa Manza
- $20
- 12 months ago
Gift Cards
Provide support with a gift card to DoorDash, Panera, Chili's, Visa, and more.
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Gift Cards for The Pines
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All dates are booked, but there are still other ways to help.
Make a donation to The Pines, or contact the organizer for more dates.
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Donations are active and coming in. Be one of the first to donate and keep the Meal Train rolling!
$605 raised by 9 people.