Potluck for

BCM Cookie Event

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2023 1:00 pm

BCM Cookie Event

 Hardin Baptist Church


218 College St
Hardin KY 

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This is an opportunity for all incoming freshmen to meet the local churches in the area by treating them to cookies and milk. If you sign-up to serve and then are unable to serve, please get in touch with the church office by calling 270-437-4868 or email info@hardinbaptist.org

Volunteer To Bake Cookies

(Come to the HBC Downtown Kitchen at 1pm and help bake 25 dozen cookies. )
 Darcey Beale
Bake on site  
 Greta Wilson
2 doz Sugar, 2 doz snickerdoodle, 1 doz choc chip  
(I will be baking 5 doz cookies at home and bringing to church at 3PM….Thank you! )
 Brooke Moore
Bake on site  
 McKaylon Henson
Bake on site