Potluck for

Pastor Duncan's Installation Celebration

Sunday, Mar 18, 2018 11:30 am


 North Shore Church of North Shore Church


511 47th Avenue
Menominee MI 49858

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Thank you for contributing towards food needs for Pastor Duncan's installation celebration! Please have dishes to the church on Sunday, March 18th by no later than 10 am. The deadline to sign up for food dishes will be Thursday, March 15th, so that Hospitality can be sure to get whatever else is needed.

1 pound bag of small pretzels

 sara t
1 pound bag pretzels  

Vegetable Tray

This slot is still available
 Allison Labs
Veggie tray  

2 dozen cookies or bars

 Stacy Thompson
Take 6 Cheesecake Bars  
(I'll be there early for PowerPoint :))
 Marcia LaCanne
2 dozen cookies  
(Chocolate Chip Cookies)
 Pamela Bonner
merangue cookies  
This slot is still available
This slot is still available

1 large bag of flavored potato chips

 sara t
1 large bag of flavored potato chips  
This slot is still available