Meal Train® for We Love Hula Terri
Meal Train® for We Love Hula Terri
Recipient Info
Food For
2 Adults
Drop-Off Time
10 am to 5 pm
Special Instructions
Please leave your meal in the cooler by the door. If you are only available to drop off in the evening, that's okay. We're asking that people don't knock on the door or try to visit during meal drop off, but coordinate with David and Theresa for a visit if you would like to see them and say hello. Please do not use any containers that will need to be returned. - If you are leaving a card or note, pop them in a Ziploc and leave them in the cooler to make sure they don't fly away in the Waikoloa wind! For questions please call Darien at 808-937-7358 or email
Meal Drop-Off Location
Waikoloa, HI
Meal Calendar
Volunteer to provide a meal.